Daniel J.B. Smith
I'm a postdoc in the Masel lab. I did my PhD in evolutionary biology at the University of Chicago. My dissertation research focused on competitive tree communities -- I developed mathematical models and computer simulations aimed at elucidating how density-dependent interactions and specialized predation impact species coexistence. At the Masel lab, I am developing mathematical models of density-dependent selection.
Social links:
Email: smithdj4@arizona.edu
Publications :
Smith Daniel J.B., Bourrat P, Doulcier G, Takacs P, Masel J. "Fitness: a primer", manuscript in prep.
Smith, Daniel J.B., Masel J, "The interaction between exploitative and interference competition: limits to R* theory", bioRxiv (2023).
Smith, Daniel J.B. "On the interaction between Janzen-Connell effects and habitat partitioning in spatially structured environments." bioRxiv (2022).
Smith, Daniel J.B. "The functional form of specialised predation affects whether Janzen–Connell effects can prevent competitive exclusion." Ecology Letters (2022).
Smith, Daniel J.B., and Priyanga Amarasekare. "Toward a mechanistic understanding of thermal niche partitioning." The American Naturalist 191.3 (2018): E57-E75