
Goodbye Joseph

March, 2023       

Joseph will be joining the Sergey Kryazhimskiy group as a postdoc at UCSD.

Congratulations Andrew!

February, 2023       

Andrew passed his comprehensive exam with flying colors. Onwards!

Welcome Naman, Chirag & Addison

Fall/Spring, 2022-2023       

Joining us as undergraduates, Naman, Chirag and Addison will be working on different exciting projects!

Welcome Daniel Smith!

October, 2022       

Joining us as a Postdoc, Daniel will be working on density-dependent selection with Fiona.

Evolution 2022

June, 2022       

Fiona presented a poster, Walid gave a talk and Joseph gave a talk as a finalist for the Hamilton award!

Our first AbSciCon

May, 2022       

Sawsan & Andrew presented posters to fellow Astrobiology enthusiasts.